Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sorority Initiation Oil

Women (IV): Winter in Houston

She was the only normal person I knew. So normal that none of the deadly sins affect him much except for some raid of greed, and envy. Count your coins and to neglect their health by getting more than he needed the extra point gave him the happiness he could not get through habitual daily affairs of any person. It was working but was afraid to go a step further by the noise that produced the drag of the iron chains of his ghost from the past and it was actually she who was carrying, but not accepted.
was a losing battle from the first hour of the morning. All of that habit of competing for the gold medal to the most sad and difficult existence, which made him lose four hours of life every day. But not recognized and it was exhausting, but not Reconco.
could not be Semitic blood mother and died of grief, without knowing why. Took blood Semitic, yes, but did not know, and what was their moments of doubt a hell of embers until the flames broke the womb, remorse and good intentions are impossible to perform. The worst thing is that usually ended in a burst of lava in the form of envy that made him grit his teeth through pain. Everyone smiled at her life, to Flori, Lord, just tormented her as if it were a female Job.
wanted to own the world but it seemed like his own is too big, his art was amatory Venus but did not know. To Flori feeling rational decontrol brought their passion flows (which ended in those quiet moments lunar liked almost as scanned) had just been turning in a pile, escaped their internal fires burning and made from sulfur fumes coming out of your brain.
The Flori was a lost life, easily retrievable, but did not know. Mr. Blue


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