Monday, November 15, 2010

English Soul Silver Rom For Desmume

Carla (I): Victoria three freckles

Victoria woke up at eleven o'clock on that Monday, without really knowing what done, showered, drank a cup of Colombian coffee and smoked two Marlboro row. In a fit of nostalgia, decided to go to the store where they sold the mall to buy the foreign press Marca, Atletico had played the previous week and that he played much. Her relationship with Max took too long in neutral, neither advancing nor stopped, was in a state of quiet frustrating for someone like Victoria who deeply hated the routine, perhaps that will give a start to the week to break with those endless days of nothing .
never regretted what he left behind, in Spain there was not much future and ultimately California remained the "golden state," a business here, another there ... He climbed the ladder and I did not worry about minor movements between the Pachuco and Chicano students of East LA that bored her with that child behavior disguised manhood. Victoria
shut the door down the stairs while putting on sunglasses, walked carefree North Croft Avenue, got right on Beverly Boulevard, and after a couple of blocks from sunny walk, arrived and entered the mall.
climbed the escalator full of plastic blonde mature, arrived at the store kiosk, saw the mark on Saturday and read the headlines that Atleti had put three goals to Madrid and Atletico Madrid only one. He smiled.
little crowd noise was invited to leave the street for a few minutes would have been imagined only sets of that match, down the escalators absorbed, wanting a good vermouth, went through the automatic door and a flash went through the dark glasses hiding his eyes color green.
was the exit to La Cienega Boulevard and there was ... beautiful as a beast, a sporty sport, sky blue metallic, with leather upholstery in the same color, with the hood open and the keys because the boys of valet parking had not been yet. Mercedes 450SL A five-liter engine and eight cylinders, could not explain why, felt a chill and a strain on the muscles that were preamble that something inside him said: "Jump!" Victoria
got the mark in the back pocket of his trousers, took his pulse and left hand supporting the camera jumped over it. Tore and complained loudly in his mind:
"Shit is automatic ... How can these assholes driving a car like this with an automatic? An automatic five liters ...!" He put the direct
, stepped in depth, and the runaway wheel drive left a smell of burning rubber in the air was an echo. Vicky
paid his frustration further digging foot on the accelerator, the engine roared and she noticed the transmission was making the car go running, the color of his eyes was disappearing with increasing air speed and long hair in making music.
turned right onto Rosewood Avenue, still no sign of police, that RWD hermesiana caused the immense nose of the Mercedes he got up in every little sprint. The adrenaline was up and his face had a smile Etruscan indescribable with words. So many years that it was like back on the hunt for the eighties in the Salamanca district of Madrid, and Max did not remember, or the Atleti, or the feeling that the time had betrayed her, and closed the deal the night before that fish Panamanian fat. There was only speed, sparks shooting star and the smell of gasoline.
They soon begin to hear the sirens, turned left on North Hayworth more than eighty per hour, there were no problems, he was a thoroughbred sports. Nothing the least bit worried until the intersection with Waring saw a guy crossing a zebra crossing. It was too late to stop, it was an automatic car, "a fucking five liters vee eight ...." automatic thought. Would have done anything to try to reduce a "second" and it was too late for anything when he realized that the idiot who crossed him at the worst moment of his life was Max.
Something inside her made him decide on the machine, turned enough to not wrap completely and ruin everything, but the shock caused him to lose control of the wheel and stopped short, suddenly against his oncoming destiny.
not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected, he fell forward, but had the strength to stand up, look at Max junked and very touched to see the Mercedes in a sea of \u200b\u200bmotor oil and transmission, and haze of blue smoke with flashes of light flashing orange. Found bearing the mark in his back pocket, lit a Marlboro and began to walk with a limp, observed by hundreds of spectators attending idle and incredulous, almost as viewers, to show the woman who walked with a half lit cigarette in his mouth, from side to side of the street aimlessly, relying on cars that had stopped after the coup. Agents Los Angeles Police Department pointed their weapons and yelled to stop and put his hands on his head, but she only heard a roar of motor passion that was dispelled with the memory of the lover who was killed one day, and began to feel ill, until the pain overcame the will and fell down. Mr. Blue

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Women Wrestler Octopus Hold

Deep in the Heart of Texas (XV)

Six Flags over Texas

Six Nations, six, have exercised sovereignty over any part of what is now the great state of Texas.

Spain: From 1529 to 1685 and from 1690 until 1810.
France: From 1684 to 1688
Mexico: From 1810 to 1836
Republic of Texas: From 1836 to 1845
Confederate States of America: from 1861 to 1865
USA: From 1845 to 1861 and from 1865 to today.

Mr. Blue

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grout With Sealer And Xit

You can not make a record if you is not got nothin 'to say?

Willie Nelson does not have to do anything, absolutely anything, to fill any room or outdoor setting. Nelson does not need to write songs, no need, you have some that do not yet know which are his own but no longer writes. life, over time, led him to realize that version was what was giving more money to and fam, so she has devoted recording tapes and tapes on subjects unrelated. And, despite all safety imos going to see him wherever the "closeness" of distance allows us to Texas, knowing that we could recite the song titles concert with a minimal margin of error. Trigger, his is mpiterna guitar, his red bandana and braids are as iconic as any religious image, and is that in Texas, Willie Nelson is God on earth.
Collecting their records is im possible, he has lost l on account of which he has edited and occasionally read in magazines that have material "new." Among those surprises a few months ago promotional not his umpteenth album "American Classic" (Blue Note 2009) another twist to American standards, songs always passing through the sieve with a special jazz that speaks of his utter lack of qualms about editing discs: includes an item that had already recorded, or not "their" best-known psalms "Always On My Min d ". A song popularized a lad in Tupelo until Willie recorded his own version back in eighty-two.
"American Classic" was announced
as a kind of second part of his album "St ardust" which has been certified platinum or zinc times since its release in 1978, but in the end is, again a simple excuse to keep spinning. In fact, when reading these lines is about to release a new LP entitled " Country Music" disc with graphic "Rounder" and acting on a U.S. site.
Must be a dozen living legends of country and therefore in their actions one should take notes is musical history, but m any people can not understand and does not respect that. Like any religious devotee of the Willie Nelson fan who does not know much more about him than his love of marijuana and its ten songs known attends his concerts to get the trophy dreams: photo of his holy particular on stage. So did the pilgrims sat in rows further away began to walk toward the altar stage, and once there, unloaded the flashes of their cameras and drew their next generation mobile phones to construct eguir this relic teaching colleagues on Monday morning at work, and thus receive general recognition. Not to mention of the women who cheered slightly last beer out of it every great guitar solo sermon or homily from song song.
Of the asshole
to update their Facebook from their phones better not talk ... but there is nothing you can do, every congregation has its insane extremists. It is part of the ritual of a concert Nelson, one of the artists q ue more pampers his audience with autographs, photos, hand contact, or by the hats you throw on stage. Do not forget the day that Willie Austin signed him to my friend and gave quinine in man or smiling ...
the ninth of January two thousand and ten saw Nelson in the MISM a room where I saw George Jones a weeks earlier. Nelson was a concert with the egante jazzy in the first part that made unrecognizable large number of its own s successes and from a certain point began to get the songs out of the hat Western and local aq uel vibrated to the rhythm of its main themes ever. Especially notable were the little aired live "Shotgun Willie" and an excellent and version of "Good Hearted Woman" and No clear homage to his friend Waylon Jennings, but the full set list fue como sigue:

Whisky River (Jazz)
Still Is Still Moving To Me
Beer For My Horses
Shoeshine Man
Funny How Time Slips Away/Crazy
Night Life
Me and Paul
If You’ve Got The Money I’ve Got The Time
Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys
Blues Eyes Crying In the Rain
On the Road Again
Always On My Mind
Good Hearted Woman
Nobody’s Fault But Mine
I’ll Fly Away
Hank Williams Medley
Just Because You Asked Me To
Milk Cow Blues
One Day At a Time
Bloody Mary Morning
Yesterday’s Wine I Gotta Get Drunk

I Saw the Light
Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down (Louvin Brothers) Georgia On My Mind

Man With the Blues
Hello Walls

Shotgun Willie Whiskey River (Country)

Few surprises in another installment of more of the same from a guy who has the audacity to versioning bright
their "own" issues, one of those cheeky with charisma, an artist on stage is the master of the Pride Texas rightfully gives his career.
A outside the concert a man in cowboy hat, probably the same age as Willie would say, "Someone should put his face on Mount Rushmore."

Carlos Rodríguez Duque